It has been a little while since the last time I posted, but I only have one thing to write about it's not that bad.
Two weekends ago, Eddie and I went camping in Yosemite. We went with our best friends here in Merced, a couple from our ward...Corrin and Ryan. Corrin is in the Young Women's presidency with me and Ryan works with the Young Men and is our chiropractor.
We went to Yosemite on Friday (May 7th) and came back on Sunday. We got there pretty late Friday night because we couldn't leave until both Eddie and Ryan were off work and we were lost for about 45 minutes trying to find our campground. Friday night after setting up our tents and making a fire in the dark we just hung out. We had smores and talked around the campfire. I was afraid Eddie and I were going to be cold because up in Yosemite at night during this time of the year is normally under 30 degrees. I brought 7 blankets plus our air mattress so we wouldn't have to sleep straight on the ground, we were nice and warm. I felt bad for Corryan (is how we abbreviate their name, heheh) because their air mattress deflated completely throughout the night, and Corrin was freezing! Overall it was a good bears! ;)
Saturday morning we started our day with a delicious breakfast. We brought our little camp stove which was nice and very convenient. Corrin made delicious pancakes, Eddie made the bacon, I made the eggs, and Ryan was in charge of the fire and hot chocolates! We were nice and full and ready to start exploring the park.
(The tent in the background are Mr. and Mrs. Flintstone...we will never forget them! Let's just say that the camps were extremely close to each other, the walls on a tent are very thin, and they were not shy AT ALL!!!!!)
First the boys went fishing...or tried to at least. They didn't catch anything...well, kind of...Eddie caught a nice stick, hahah.
Very cool isn't it? Well, we went back to camp in the afternoon and had Nathan's hot dogs (the best) for appetizers, then cooked a delicious foil dinner (Corrin's idea), and later we had some peach cobbler. Three-course dinner, not bad for camping eh? We played some games around the fire and talked for a while after dinner and then went to bed.
It was a great trip and I recommend it to anyone who ever comes to visit this area of California. You are welcome to stay with us if we're still living here... :) I hope you liked the pictures!