Friday, April 30, 2010

Weekend in San Francisco

Last weekend Eddie and I were in San Francisco for the annual Shareholders meeting McCarthy holds. It's a 2-day meeting--pretty boring for the most part. They talk about the updates of the company, how they did the past year, what their profit was, how the projects went, they have competitions, training, etc... but that's the not-so-exciting part. The exciting part is that everyone gets to stay in a nice Marriot hotel for 2 nights, they pay for all your meals, they reimburse you for gas, your "significant other" is invited, and they'll even pay for babysitters if you have kids! Pretty cool huh?

Friday evening after a whole day of meetings Eddie and I walked around the piers in SF and ate at the Rainforest Cafe. It's an awesome restaurant. As you can see on the pictures it is a jungle inside. There are three areas; the underwater (with a whole bunch of huge and awesome fish tanks); the earth level (with real-looking animals that move and growl; there are elephants, and tigers, and snakes...), and the sky level which is upstairs (with every kind of bird imaginable). Every 30 minutes or so, there is a "storm," there is lightening and thunder and all the animals start moving and kinda caught me off guard, haha, I jumped! We had a limit of $55/person, so Eddie and I went all out! Our bill was $100, never would we spend that much for 2 people at a restaurant! We had a huge appetizer, then Eddie had lobster, scallops, shrimp, and I had some pasta. We were gonna have dessert but we were waaay too full! I recommend going there!

The next day Eddie had meetings until noon. After the meetings we went shopping at Union Square, and ate lunch at a friendly all-American diner. That evening McCarthy closed-off the event with a dinner and party. We had a wonderful catered dinner at the hotel, and the theme of the party was "Hollywood Movie Stars." Everyone had to dress up as a movie character. Eddie and I went as Ron Burgandy and Veronica Corningstone from the movie "Anchorman" (he's a Will Farrell fan). People loved our costumes and a few wanted to take pictures with us. The evening opened up with a "red carpet" entrance, where the host asked who we were and what we were wearing. Then we had a 4-course dinner, delicious! And after there was a slide show and a dance. We had so much fun, and I got to meet a lot of the people that Eddie used to work with at his other jobs.

It was a great getaway, and we had some wonderful young women from our ward stay at our apartment and watch Laban for us. I'm looking forward to next year's party already!


  1. sounds like a fun & eventful weekend! they have a rain forest cafe in animal kingdom at disney world but i never went there. i did go to planet hollywood; i love crazy restaurants like that!
