Friday, March 19, 2010

The First Year

When you get engaged you think you know everything or at least most things about the other person. You have had months or maybe years of dating and courting. You think you know what the other is like; you think you know what makes them happy and what takes them out of their element. You know their pet peeves and you know their habits. You are ready to be married, and you think you know exactly what it is going to be like to live with that other person. Well, I'm here to tell you that you are wrong.

When you get married people tell you that married life is all fun and bubbly; that the first year as newlyweds is perfect, that you are still "honeymooning," and that everything is just right; that is not all wrong, but there is much more to it. What they don't tell you is that no matter how long you knew each other before you got married, you still have a world of things to learn about your partner.

Eddie and I dated for 19 months that were followed by 14 months of engagement. We were "together" for nearly three years before we were married, and let me tell you...we thought we knew EVERYTHING about each other, and we were also wrong.

We are coming up on 9 months of marriage now, and it has been the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to either of us. We are still adapting and learning how to live with each other, and some times we have to make compromises along the way to make us both happy. We have so much fun just being ourselves and enjoying each other. We make it a point in our lives to go on a date every weekend and to the temple at least a couple of times a month so that we can continue to kindle that love. We love to cook, play games, and watch movies together. Eddie still wishes that I liked working out as much as he does, and I'm still wishing that he would stop bugging me about it! It is not all fun and bubbly all the time; although we have our little stupid arguments and we don't agree on everything, we recognize that there are so many more things in which we do.

Our love and our marriage is centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ, we set goals for ourselves and for our future family, and everyday we try to be better people. We both feel that we are on this journey together, and together we want to share the good and the not so good times with one another.

I hope that through this blog we can be more in touch with our friends and family. We want to share what we is happening in our life with stories and photos, and we would love to hear from you as well....


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